
Groups for young, median and senior adults as well as women, men, meet on Sunday mornings at 9:15a. Some of these include:

  • Young Adult Co-ed, for young adult couples and singles
  • Sally Long Group, for couples and singles
  • Act Now, for senior couples and singles
  • Adult Elective, for median couples and singles
  • Agnes Morgan Group, for senior women
  • Cecil Sandifer's class, for senior men and women

During the week, groups meet in our facilities or in homes. Some of the regular meetings are:

  • Men's Group on Mondays at 8:30a, in the Fellowship Hall
  • Dorcas Group on Wednesdays at 6:00p (as needed), in church work room

Other group groups meet for specific studies throughout the year. Contact the church office to find out about current Bible studies.

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