Sunday messages

In a day an age when life is moving more towards the days of Noah, a real sense of Biblical Community is priceless. In this series, we will look at a key phrase the Bible uses repeatedly to develop and build up authentic community. It is called the "One Another" passages. There are many "one another" passages that call us to obey so we may experience a fuller expression of Jesus’ love TOWARD us, IN us, and THROUGH us. When we are obedient to these texts, it shows our families, friends, and neighbors how deep and powerful God’s love is within the community of faith. Then this priceless community of loving, honoring, bearing with, united in, serving, encouraging, forgiving others will be what others seek!

In this series, "Rising Waters," we will hear the grieving heart of God due to the debase sin natured revealed in mankind. Ever since the sin of Adam and Eve, humanity has been on a downward spiral. They ignore God's commandments, rebel against His good desire for them, resent God's leadership in their lives, as they trample on His plan for relationship. God brings a universal flood as judgment on sinful humanity, but once again demonstrates His Grace as He highlights one man's faithful obedience.

As sinful people living in a sinful world, we have feelings that can lead to anger, jealousy, deceit, indifference, hatred, and a plethora of other sins. All because we are Living Outside of Paradise - outside of God's presence due to disobedience. Disobedience against God has dire consequences, even as we observed in Genesis 3. Beginning in Genesis 4, we realize it did not take long for the fruit of disobedience to pass to the next generations. No, you may not commit murder, but wrong thoughts and emotions lead to wrong actions. Motives of the Heart Matter. Join us as we continue the journey of studying the opening 11 chapters of Genesis in this 3-part series entitled: Living Outside of Paradise.

Fear has been a part of the human existence since the fall of man in the Garden. Everyone, regardless of how brave they seem experiences fear of some kind. There are times in all of us where we are caught in the grip of fear, and this is even true during the Christmas Season.
Three times God sent angelic messengers to the earth with messages connected to the birth of His Son, the Lord Jesus. Each time, they brought big news, news which troubled the hearts of their hearers. News that would radically alter their lives. Three times angels appeared. Three times they spoke the words, "Fear not." Join us as we examine these messages and learn for ourselves what it means to "Fear Not!"

There has been an unspoken taboo in the church that says we are not to question God – that our questioning demonstrates a lack of faith. At times it may, however, some of the most penetrating questions come from the individuals of scripture that wrestle with what’s happening in their world and ask, "What's happening -Where are you God?" Pastor David in this new series: Confident Living for Confusing Times, turns to an often forgotten “Minor Prophet” who has a Major Message from God. Come join us as we investigate how Habakkuk questioned God’s approach but learned to walk by faith – trusting in the character of God. Learn with us that God is not afraid, intimidated, or angry over your question(s) when we seek to truly know Him!

As disciples of Jesus, we are to follow His ways, learn of His truth, so we can lead others to Him. Examining Jesus life, as we follow, learn, and lead, it is apparent that Jesus' first disciples recognize the importance of prayer emanating from their Master's life. It was so apparent they asked Jesus' to teach them how to pray. This series looks at the various expressions of Jesus prayer practice. If our Master prayed, then so must we learn to yearn to pray!

Do you have a dream? Not those night time happenings that come upon you involuntarily during a certain stage of sleep. The kind of dream defined as "a condition or achievement that is longed for, to which it has become an aspiration." Is it such a dream that it can answer this question: What are you pursuing in your life, your family, and your church that has eternal ramifications? Join us as we begin a new series - Kingdom Pursuits.
watch & listen to the current message series

The Great I Am Message Series
When someone says, "I am…," it reveals something about their identity. For example: I am a lawyer. I am a housewife. I am a teacher. I am a student -- You get the idea. So when Jesus declares, "I Am…," we should lean in and listen closely. He is allowing us a glimpse into His glorious nature. Please grab your Bible and notebook and let's lean into God's Word as we listen to the Great I Am revealed in the Gospel of John.

As we enjoy Advent this year, let us take the time to ponder God's Gifts. It is so easy to get all wrapped up (pun intended) in the activity of the season that we miss the magnitude of God's love in how He presented His most cherished gift, His Son, Jesus. This Christmas season, let's spend some moments reflecting on the significance that surround our Savior's birth.