Prayer Requests
- We are to be believers and not achievers . We do not serve Jesus to have Him love us. We serve because we love Him . Pray that we will honor Jesus Christ by serving others as He did.
- Continue to be in prayer for the youth fund raiser. The deacons will be serving Bar B Que. Come and support the youth with your presence and donations .
- Be in prayer for our children returning to school. The school grounds have been covered in prayer and we pray for the safety of all children and teachers as they begin this new school term.
- Sin: The middle letter is I…. It is the seeking of our own will instead of the will of God. Pray that we will not fall prey to sin but live for Jesus Christ.

Are You Ready?
A new group of readings, using the Reading for Life Change guide, will begin on January 1. Click on the button below to see the 2025 Bible Reading Guide for reading the Bible through in one year.
Questions for reflection and application as you read:
- What did you learn about the character of God, Jesus or Holy Spirit?
- What promise could you claim from today’s reading?
- What did you learn about yourself, your situation, or circumstance?
- What faith step is God calling you to make as a follower of His?